Week 6: Prioritization


Notes by Rishaan Sachania

  • Prince Arjun doesn’t want to fight his family and wants to escape his duties, he asks isn’t family more important than performing one’s duties? 
  • In other words, how do I know which responsibility is more important than the other?
  • Prioritization: the ability to know what is important (when we’re able to discriminate temporary and long term)
  • We feel regret we we don’t prioritize (prioritization saves us from the grief of regret)
  • The essence of prioritization: Is what I’m doing right now taking me to where I want to go?
  • When there are 2 conflicting responsibilities, how do I know which is more important?

a) Time (e.g. which needs to be completed first)

b) Whichever will help with our long term growth

  • How do we know which responsibilities help me grow the most?

a) Intentions

b) The ones that are the most difficult are the ones that help us grow the most

c) Shreyas (path of peace) vs Preyas (path of pleasure)

  • We can practice prioritization by planning (structuring your time)
  • Look at different roles you have (e.g. student, son, sibling, etc) and create 2 practices with each to make yourself better at each role
  • Plan out your week and whatever spare time that is remaining should be focused on the 6 practices you have associated with each role
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