Suhrd – One Who is Friendly

April 12, 2021

Notes by Vastavi Choudhari

Om Suhrde Namah: I admire the one who is friendly.

What does friendly mean?

When you are friendly it means that you don’t care if the other person likes you back you just want to make sure they are their best selves and are doing the right thing.

What is one quality your friends must have?

I would say being loyal and truthful, but another is that they are not scared to tell you that what you are doing is wrong and it is not going to help you or make you the best person you are. There is a saying that says you become like the people you hangout with, so if you hangout with people who are not good influence them you become like them and if you hangout with people who are good influence then you will also be a good influence.


For the practice we were broken into groups of 3 or 4 and in those groups we had to be friendly to the people in that group. Each person would tell their name and what they are working on and then the other people will tell that person something that will help them achieve the thing they are trying to achieve.

Q and A

How do I stop the urge to pull a tab for Youtube and also on a piece of paper I get the urge to touch my phone. How do I stop that urge?

1) First, remove your ability to engage in the distraction, for your phone put it in a different room or under your bed, for your laptop you can find things that block certain tabs like Youtube and sites that might distract you.

2) Second, you need to set spaces for where you do certain tasks. For example, you can say that my laptop is the only thing I am using for school. Also you can say if i am going to do homework I will sit at my desk and do it. 

RAW ( Reflection Adventure of the Week)

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