Dialogue With Vivekji

March 22, 2021

Notes by Aarav Luthra & Aarya Mishra

This week we had an all dialogue class with Vivekji.

Q. What is incorrect about finding happiness in objects and particularly people like grandparents?

A. If we try to get happiness from objects (computer, ball etc) or people (grandparents, friends etc), eventually they will change or go away. Even our body is constantly changing and getting old. What never changes is our spirit. Our spirit is never born and it never dies. The nature of our spirit is Happiness so we have to find happiness inside of us and that happiness is forever.

Q. How do I be more aware so I do not hurt people?

A. 1) When you hurt someone really look at them and feel what they are feeling. When you see how your actions or words are making them sad and taking their cheerfulness away, you will not want to act that way anymore.2) Everything you have (shoes, pencils, toys, clothes) put them in its place. Be more organized. A place for everything and everything in its place. When you are careful in what you do, it makes you be careful in what you say. It makes us more aware. 

Q. Last time I was scared that the dentist was going to pull one of my top tooth out. When the dentist does that, how do I stop crying?

A. It is quite natural because it is painful. It is painful because of all the nerves that are in your mouth. 

If you don’t get your tooth out though, you will be in more pain. So if you remember that it is a short term pain for a long term gain you would not cry that much. To simplify, if you are thinking about something fun (like if you are getting ice cream after the dentist), your mind will be more focused on that and not the pain.

Q. When I ask my mom something and then ask my dad the same thing, and they both say different answers, who should I follow or should I follow what I think is right?

A. Your parents are different and can be right and wrong in their own ways. Listen to your mom and your dad and then think more about it yourself too. You can follow what you think will create more happiness. It could be either of your parents’ instructions or a combination of them as well. Chat with your parents about it and see if they can work together to come up with one set of instructions for you so it is more clear for you.

Q. If my mind is on pain but also on a delicious ice cream how do I choose one? 

A. There are two terms – pain and suffering. Pain is physical which means if my someone’s tooth falls out it has to be painful. But if you mind is not there and it is focused on something else, it would not hurt. You will go through what you are going through but that pain will not turn into suffering. 

Q.  What do I do if my sister does not play with me? 

  1. The best thing is to enjoy playing by yourself. If you can learn to enjoy your own company and being in nature, you will be invincible, the happiest person. Best way to be happy is reading, writing, thinking and being happy by yourself. 
  2. Also when your sister or brother is done doing their homework ask them to play with you. Remind him or her that you really love spending time with them. 
  3. Suggest a specific time to hangout together. When you ask someone for their time, they feel good about it. So if you keep asking your sibling, they might be more open minded and say yes. 
  4. Ideas for playing by yourself – Be more in nature and outside. This is because nature is your best friend. Also try focusing as much as possible on what you are doing. Whatever you focus on the most, you enjoy it more. 

Q. How do I stop myself from doing something I really want to do but should not be doing at that time?

A. You can’t just do what is just fun because then you forget to do your responsibilities. You responsibilities are what makes you learn, make you smart. Have fun in your responsibilities! Also, when having fun use time as a parameter. Manage you time so you can have fun and then go back to your responsibilities. 

Q. If there are two problems and they are both important, how do I prioritize?

A. There is always a more important one. Try to figure out which one is more important and prioritize. If that does not work just start with any of them. If you really focus on one and you finish it efficiently, you will have more time to do the next one. 

RAM: Sign up for the High five challenge.

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