Chinmaya Inspiration Yatras: Sankalpa

10 years. 15 yatras. 500 yatris.

In 2021, we will be celebrating 10 years of Chinmaya Inspiration Yatras. What a milestone! Crossing multiple countries and contexts, these life changing experiences have sparked the inward journeys of countless seekers across the world.

But how can we go deeper? How can we transform these “moments” to a “movement”? During CIY XIII, we had the beautiful opportunity to express just that at the feet of our Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda. As Vivekji shares, after each yatra, we have taken on a sankalpa to grow from a “moment” to a “movement”:

— CIY I-V: Yatris successfully raised $100,000 USD for the development efforts of CORD Siruvani

— CIY VI-X: Yatris successfully raised $100,000 USD for the education efforts of Chinmaya Mission Trinidad

… but what about CIY XI-XV? We have so much gratitude for our Guru, the guide who has so lovingly unfolded the insights on life and living over the last decade. Thus, we are delighted to share that our next sankalpa is to contribute $100,000 USD by December 2021 to Guruji for the visionary efforts of Chinmaya Vibhooti.

Join us on this journey! Visit CanadaHelps and select “Guru Fund”:

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