Last week was The Happiness Series IV.
Notes by Pari Saluja
Recap: In the last two classes, we talked about the instrument of experience.
- You, the experiencer, stay the same throughout the experience
- You are the eternal subject and are unchanging
- You merely take on the role of perceiver/feeler/thinker using the body/mind/intellect to take on the objects/emotions/thoughts of the outside world
- Every action creates an impression (samskar) which if repeated, leads to tendencies
- Free will is only at mercy of the Vasanas, but our free will decides what actions we can change to make an impact today
Example: If you’re preparing for test and get a notification for a new episode release, you should dismiss your notification which will dismiss that thought
The above example is sublimation and the 3 other ways to nurture positive free will are be vigilant with your thoughts, think positive thoughts, and study self-development
Activity Part 1: Create a timeline of your life’s greatest achievements/milestones.
Class 12/19:
Why do we feel limited/stuck? It’s because we are! We are stuck in the cycle of life and death but we just have different names and forms each time. We should know the cycle so we can break out of it.
The cycle is a triangle with 3 points:
- Top point: ignorance
- Right point: desire
- Left point: action
We already know that there is a sentient doer of each action and each action has a result as well as results of an action are tied to the doer. Desire is the origin of each action … and our desire always is to be happiness. But if we are happiness, why are we looking outside rather than in?
- It’s because of our vasanas (habits) –
It’s developed over lifetimes, a person is only a prodigy because they spent lifetimes of effort that led to mastery being manifested
- It’s also because of our “non-thinking” –
No one usually sits down and critically analyzes everything (does this new object’s relationship with me actually bring me joy?)
- Ignorance:
We are ignorant of our true nature — we are complete, we are happiness
We know there is happiness inside because we are told that, but we’re still stuck doing regular things because we haven’t experienced it yet
So desire to be full and complete arises
- Desire:
We desire to be happiness
So we act on that desire
- Action:
We think that obtaining new activities will make us happy
It does temporarily but because that result is of the outside world, it fades
So we cycle back to ignorance at the top and continue on and on
It’s as if we’re running round and around on a hamster wheel
4 more important parts include Prosperity, Desire, Responsibilities, and Liberation.
- Liberation = Freedom, which is when we break out of the cycle
We have to learn to put liberation at the top with the understanding that responsibilities is the means and desire + prosperity will come with it
We have to embrace the responsibilities and the universe will look after the rest
There are also 3 motivating factors:
- Pursuit of name and fame: tend to pursue this in many way shapes and forms
- Companionship: to help us continue on with gaining our name and fame
- Wealth: which equates to power
Activity Part 2: Re-reflect on your timeline. What else might you add? How does this timeline extend into the future? Have your milestones changed?