Week 10: The Instrument of Experience

Notes by Pari Saluja

Recap: Over the last couple classes we have talked about Worldview, Truth, Means, Mechanism, Mindset, Purpose and Results which all are opportunities for self-care — to heal for the wounds the world outside causes. When you aren’t happy, (which is your nature) consider it a wound.

Not only do you need the knowledge, you need to know how to use it to be successful (ex. if your phone is dying and there’s a charger in your backpack but you don’t know it’s there, it would be of no help). It’s an inspiring way to live, love and be.

Class 11/18: Instrument of Experience

  • Looking at the BMI Chart, we learned the B stands for Body, M stand for Mind and I stand for Intellect.
  • Body Perceives Objects (Body perceives using senses)
  • Mind Feels Emotions (Mind goes out into the world and consumes)
  • Intellect Thinks Thoughts (Intellect has the capacity to make decisions)
  • BMI is the gross equipment
  • PFT is the Eternal Subject, you merely take on that role
  • OET is the realm in which instrument is operating

Interactive: We were told that throughout the slideshow, keep the following prompt in mind: What stays the same?


  • Sumanji ate a Klondike ice cream bar and had asked us to describe how it would taste (ex. sweet, cold, brittle, delicious)
  • He then pulled out two candles named “Far Far Away” and “Fiji” and asked us to describe how it would smell (ex. “Far Far Away” = when you enter your house after coming back from a long vacation, sunflower fields, welcoming, vanilla) (ex. “Fiji” = tropical, flowery, forest)
  • Lastly, Sumanji showed us a Baby Yoda toy and asked us to describe how it would feel (ex. rubbery, soft, smooth)

Because everyone had different ideas, we concluded that nothing stays the same in the body.


  • Sumanji played a video for us (A man is at a “Jamba Juice” and another creepy looking man comes up to him. The creepy man seems to recognize the main character, saying they’ve met before. The main character says that he hasn’t seen this creepy man before, to which he replies “call your house phone”. The main character does so, and the voice of the creepy man picks up on the other line but the man in front of him isn’t talking)
  • After watching the clip, we were asked what we would do if we were in the same situation as the main character. People answered: scream, make a scene so someone would come help you, cry, be scared, listen to the creepy man or laugh and walk away after.

Because everyone had the same experience but varied in response, we concluded that nothing stays the same in the mind. There are infinite ways to relate to the instrument.


Sumanji asked us some math questions along with some riddles and optical illusions. Everyone had different answers for each question so we concluded that nothing stays the same in the intellect.


Nothing stays the same in neither our Body, Mind, nor Intellect. There can always be different variations. But you, the experiencer, are the same in every experience.

You weren’t conscious of your clothes or your hair or how hot/cold your room was in all of the activities. You were always you, whether you were describing different objects, feeling different emotions, or thinking different thoughts. You are what stays the same.

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