Week 8: Action for Evolution (Part 3)

By: Pari Saluja and Avnee Mhaskar

Notes by Pari:

Recap: We’re learning about the science of right action through our responsibilities:

  • Responsibilities are actions for evolution
  • Qualities of an action that helps us evolve or devolve
  • Intention and attitude change action
  • When we change our purpose, we change our action (We can change in 4 ways: #1 the work itself, #2 a social cause, #3 a noble ideal, #4 a devotion to the highest)
  • Responsibilities come unasked
  • When we surround ourselves with our work fully, we are dedicated and our thoughts and action are aligned. You evolve and grow… greater inspiration = greater action

Class 11/4: What is our attitude in receiving results (Part 3) — 3 visions we can adopt in accepting results

#1 Cheerful acceptance: When our action become an offering, it becomes a gift — when a gift is given sincerely, it’s not the value that matters it’s the thought

  • Example 1: If you got the ugliest sweater ever but it was from your best friend who made it by hand for you. You’re not gonna throw it away because it was made by themself and you appreciate the thought.
  • Example 2: Parents hold onto your childhood drawing and presents even if it’s not the best. Even though it’s not worth very much value, they won’t throw it out because they appreciate your thought.

When our vision for action is intentional and with sincerity, we accept it cheerfully because we know it’s for our own growth. Any perceived problem/undesired result all become opportunities to life ourselves to greater heights.

#2 Gratefulness: We should acknowledge and be aware at all times of the sacrifices that the others make for us. Once we are born it is said we are immediately in debt in 5 different ways:

  • 1. To all the divine forces — without the sun, or gravity we wouldn’t be able to survive (Deva Rna)
  • 2. To all beings, not just humans — lungs wouldn’t work without inhaling oxygen from the trees (Bhuta Rna)
  • 3. To society — enabled a place for us to be educated, roads, lights, laws, roads, sidewalks, and cars etc (Samhaja Rna)
  • 4. To ancestors — hand down traditions and culture in which we’ve thrived. They suffered and to make our life now easier (Pitr Rna)
  • 5. To our rishis — because they share the most fundamental knowledge = how to live life and what our purpose is on this earth. They not only explain it to us but they explain it in such a way that is relatable to us (Rsi Rna)

We should be grateful to the universe for all it provides even though we never asked for it. Best to invoke this remembrance before every meal

#3 Attachment: Attachment strains our abilities and hinders our abilities to perform

  • Example 1: Doctors can’t perform surgeries on their own kids
  • One that is able to act without attachment is the one that is the most potent since attachment just compromises your actions

With these 3 visions, we can free ourselves and achieve limitless happiness. The world’s collective experience is based on its collective karma (culmination of an infinite number of past actions) so these visions allow us to shape our future.

Activity: Fill out the personal inventory. Think about the 3 types of visions in accepting results and write about how you feel you can help yourself by adopting and implementing any one of them. Think of the word you chose to help guide your actions in the year to come from our first class and how you will adopt and implement it. Be open & honest.

Debrief: Be aware of your emotions and how it impacted your responsibilities and work. No one wants to feel sad/angry so to empower ourselves we have to be aware of our emotions .

RAW: Before complaining, stop and mentally do a cost-benefit analysis for the complaint that you are about to make.

Notes by Avnee:


-Science of right action is achieved through fulfilling our responsibilities; however, simply checking off responsibilities is not enough. Self-development is also dependent upon the attitude and intention behind our actions

– The quality of our actions determines where it causes evolution or devolution

– A higher purpose is essential to elevating our performance. It helps us to align our thoughts, words, and deeds, thus stimulating growth

-Four ways to elevate purpose: through the work, a social cause, a noble ideal, devotion to the higher


Three visions we can adopt in accepting results:

1) cheerful acceptance

– With this vision the results of our actions become a gift.

– When a gift is given sincerely by someone we love (a friend, parent, etc.), we appreciate the sentiment regardless of the gift. As children we’ve given our parents plenty of useless, mostly ugly presents, but because they are an expression of our love, they still love it.

The ability to recognize that what comes our way is designed to help us grow, allows us to feel cheerful acceptance because this vision transforms problems and undesired results into opportunities.

2) gratitude

We should always be aware of and acknowledge all the sacrifices that others make for us.

– to all the divine forces (deva rna)- nature makes our existence possible. When you see the inherent value of these things we would never question things like should I recycle? Should I take care of my world around me?

– Other beings (bhuta rna) are constantly serving us

Ex. We depend on trees to make the oxygen for us to survive. We are dependent on these being for our survival and happiness

– Society (samhaja rna)

structures like schools government, inventions like cars, roads, laws keeps us safe and gives us comfort

– Ancestors (Pitr rna)

They give us a culture, a value system that equips us for making it through life. They give us what we need to thrive

– Rishis (rishi rna) our sages

The ones we are most indebted to for the fundamental knowledge they share. Lead us to knowledge our purpose and how to live in a relatable and easily understandable way

We can feel gratitude in our duties and action by remembering how these five forces provide for us unasked for and perceive our duties as a way of showing that gratitude.

3) Detachment to the results

– When we are focused on the results of what we do, the ability to make even the most menial decisions and doing what we already know is compromised because we are distracted.

– Attachments hinder our abilities to perform.

Ex. Doctors can’t perform surgery on their own families. Judges can’t judge cases that they will be affected by

Detachment = good performance because it allows us to 100% present in the action

Key points:

– The greater the inspiration the better the quality of action

– Approach life with visions of cheerful acceptance, gratitude, and detachment

When we reap the results of our actions with this vision we free ourselves from dependent limited happiness and open ourselves up to infinite independent happiness (our nature).


Think about the 3 types of visions in accepting results that were shared in our class today. Write on how you feel you can help yourself by adopting and implementing any one of them.

Think on the word you chose to help guide your actions in the year to come from our first class on Action for Evolution and how you will adopt and implement it.

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