Notes by Arnav Chugh
Reflections/Summary/Key points from previous week’s Class:
We have been studying the science of right action
- Begins with rising to our responsibilities
- Responsibilities are opportunities for self-development
Responsibilities are opportunities:
- Responsibilities come unasked with age
- Responsibilities are thankless (no expectations of rewards)
- Ignorance isn’t an excuse
- Regular responsibilities: constantly moving and accumulating
- Special responsibilities: occasional, hard but will get easier as you do more
- Selfish Actions: for example, sleeping late every day or staying on phone for hours
- Prohibited Actions: illegal actions
Actions aren’t inherently good or bad — the quality of the action is determined by motivation and attitude
The quality of the action determines if we evolve or devolve
Action for evolution part 2:
What should my intention or attitude be then?
- you make salty or burnt food for yourself then it’s ok
- When you make salty or burnt food for others, that’s not ok- you’ll definitely be attentive when cooking for others
Purpose pulls performance
- We see that we can put a lot more effort when we do things for others
As purpose becomes higher the fuel you operate on changes
Some principles:
1. Expanding ourselves can be a social cause (clean drinking water for all)
2. Devotion — service to something higher (our mother is god our father is god)
- Without parents, our existence would not be possible
- Out of appreciation, love, and god we dedicate our actions to our parents when we are capable
Greater the inspiration the greater the quality of the action
Origami activity
- How we acted when we found out we were making these origami flowers for a fundraiser
- Message: The quality of work that we do is measured by the idea that inspires us to do this
Last week RAW: Do not leave any of your own dishes in the sink
RAW for this week: record which emotions (anger, disgust, fear) dominated you each day and also how did this emotion affect your attitude when you were engaged in your work, what became the quality of your work?