Week 2: Just Be! The Active and The Contemplative

Stillness within, permeates to the outside. To become still within, one must learn to let go.

Notes by: Avnee Mhaskar

  • We study karma to learn why the world is the way it is and how each of us fits into that world.
  • We should approach our study with an open mind. Not blindly believe, but inquire and contemplate, so we can find an explanation to reconcile what we don’t understand in this world
  • Constantly thinking on a thought > forms an attachment> forms desire > compels action
  • Is our nature happiness? If it is, shouldn’t it come easy to us?
    • We subconsciously act on desires in the hope that there is fulfillment.
    • When we reap the reward, we feel: if I do this again, I will feel happy.
    • Repeatedly doing this strengthens this conviction and distracts from our nature.
  • Stillness within, permeates to the outside. To become still within, one must learn to let go.
  • When we struggle to let go at will we can engage in selfless action: action that is not based in self benefit. In doing so, we separate ourselves from doership.

The results of the action do not bind us. Selfless action begins to dissolve the conviction that granting more desires within the material world = getting closer to happiness and fulfillment.

To summarize:

  1. Happiness is our nature
  2. This is achieved by simply being
  3. And made difficult due to all the layers of our personality
  4. To go from becoming, to being requires unfoldment from right action (selfless desire)
  5. Selfless action takes away the feeling of separateness and replaces it with the feeling of oneness.

When we are calm, our minds are the most capable and able to put forth our best effort.

RAW: Sit and practice keeping the body still for 15 mins

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