Maya is aja

Summary of last session (November 11) by Shri Mohan Khandekar

Shri Vijay ji started the session by wishing everyone Happy Diwali and stressing the importance of Laxmi Pooja. It is important to worship Ma Laxmi not only externally but to bring Her in our hearts to truly get her blessings. He, then reviewed Chopahi 96:2 and further elaborated the meaning of the word Udaseen (उदासीन). He directed our attention to Verse 16, Chapter 12 and Verse 23, Chapter 14 of Bhagavad Geeta: 


     अनपेक्ष: शुचिर्दक्ष , उदासीनो गतव्यथ: |

     सर्वारम्भपरित्यागी , यो मद्भक्त: स मे प्रिय: || 16|| Chapter 12

     Those who are indifferent to worldly gains, externally and internally pure, skillful, 

      without cares, untroubled, and free from selfishness in all undertakings, such devotees of Mine

      are very dear to Me.

…उदासीनवदासीनो , गुणैर्यो न विचाल्यते |

     गुणा वर्तन्त इत्येवं , योऽवतिष्ठति नेङ्गते || 23|| Chapter 14

     They remain neutral to the modes of nature and are not disturbed by them. Knowing it is only

     the guṇas that act, they stay established in the self, without wavering.

96:3 Parvati consoles her mother by saying “we cannot change whatever is written in our horoscope by Vidhata”.

(विधाता=विधी का दाता)

96:4 Shri Vijay ji recited the Bhajan jahi vidhi rakhe ram and explained its meaning, stressing one cannot avoid the events of future which are already “written”.

Vijay ji’s comments: Righteousness/ Unrighteousness (धर्म/अधर्म) is in our option, which is the “birthplace” of good/bad Karmas. These results reside in causal body in the form of Vasana. These will give rise to good/bad fortunes and joys/sorrows. He, then proceeded to explain the significance of Shiv ji’s wedding written in so much detail by Tulsidas ji.

97:1 Here Narad ji advises Maina not to be distressed because her daughter Parvati is none other than form of Maya/Prakriti. Vijay ji’s comments: In life we get advise from many.  Vedantic advise should be received only from a knowledgable person who has no conflict. 

97:2 Maya is Aja (अजा) which means unborn. She is Anadi (अनादी) which is means without a beginning and without an end. She always resides with Shiv ji and is His Shakti (ईश्वर=ब्रह्मन्+माया). She is responsible for creation, sustenance and desolation of the universe (सृष्टी). She exists independently.  Here,Vijay ji referred to Beej Ramayan of Balkand where Shiv ji mentions Parvati. 

Bhagvan is without qualities.

Niraakar-Nirgun is nothing but Brahman.

Niraakar-Sagun= Ishwar(Qualities can be added). The wedding is taking place between Shiva (representing Brahman) and Maya (Prakriti).

Saakar-Sagun (many qualities can be added). Many Devis and Devataas represent Him in multiple forms. We worship them for their various qualities and seek their blessings. 

The wedding is happening externally. Now try to bring this union within us. Parvati is Prakrit is Vasana.  our thoughts are dominated by Prakriti. We should try to increase our Satva.  Thereby reducing our Durgunas.

This will take us closer to Parvati and eventually to Shiv ji. 

97:3 Here Narad ji is called Chiranjeeve who has ability to look into our past and future.  He narrates the story of Sati (Parvati’s past) to Maina.

Jai Shree Ram

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