
Notes by Om Shreejay

Review –

Sep 2020 — Nature is always giving. Practice — Give

Oct 2020 — Fire is focused. Practice — Uni-task, especially while studying.

Nov 2020 — Parents: When you are frustrated or confused, ask yourself — What would the wise do? Whatever happens today, will it matter in 1 year?

Dec 2020 — Dr. Seuss. Why fit in when you are born to stand out? The key to standing out is to try more. When you try, give yourself attention vs. look for others’ attention.

Stories –

Vivekji shared 2 stories in Karna’s life. Karna is described as dana veera: great in generosity.

  1. Karna was training one day and after finishing was putting oil on his body. Krishna came disguised as a poor person and asked him for money. Karna picked up the bowl of oil he was using and gave it to him with his left hand. The bowl was very fancy, it was made of gold and had jewels. Krishna asked him why he gave him with his left hand, as it is considered disrespectful to give with the left hand. Karna replied that he wanted to give immediately before he changed his mind.
  2. Krishna gave Karna and Arjuna a golden mountain. He disguised himself as a poor person and asked Arjuna for money. Arjuna gave him a hammer and asked him to break a piece of gold. When Krishna asked Karna for money, Karna asked Krishna to take the whole mountain. This shows how generous Karna was!

Lesson from stories: What are ways that you can be like Karna? Give without anyone asking.

Practice — Riddles

  1. Why is Europe like a frying pan? Because Greece is at the bottom of Europe!
  2. How can you spell the word “cow” in 13 letters? See o double you!
  3. Why did Tigger go to the bathroom? To see his friend Pooh!
  4. There are 30 cows and 28 chickens. How many didn’t? 10 (because 20 ate chickens!)
  5. A logician with extra time in a small town decided to get a haircut. The town had 2 barber shops. One shop was untidy and the other was neat. Why did the logician return to the first shop for his haircut? Each barber must have cut the other’s hair. He picked the messy barber who gave the neat barber a haircut.

Reflection for the month (RAM)

Be great in generosity. Make sure your parents notice (without you telling them!)


Notes by Pranavi Ananthanarayanan

  • Reviewed the last 4 months of lessons with Vivekji.
  • Talked about Karna from Mahabharatha

— Another name for karna is Danavira

— Think about how you can be like Karna?

Practice: We did some riddles.


Be grateful to your parents and they should know by your actions.

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